Überbauung Beispielbild

Thanks to the ONIS -More renewable electricity on a grid connection point

The continuous expansion of renewable energy presents both opportunities and challenges, especially when it comes to integrating these energy sources into the existing power grid. A critical issue is the limited availability of grid connection points (NVP), where various generation facilities like wind and solar power plants need to be connected.

How does ONIS help bring more generators online?

The ONIS by morEnergy is the only device currently available that enables the full utilization of grid connection points efficiently and safely. Through precise measurements and continuous monitoring, ONIS ensures grid stability and optimal capacity usage. Particularly in the context of overbuilding (German: Überbauung), where the input of multiple facilities must be coordinated, reliable monitoring is essential. With ONIS, grid operators and project developers have a powerful solution to tackle the challenges of overbuilding while improving grid efficiency and stability.

What is grid connection point overbuilding?

Overbuilding allows multiple generation facilities to be operated at a single grid connection point, even if their combined output exceeds the NVP’s theoretical capacity. Studies show that the average utilization of grid connection points is currently far below their potential. A fourfold increase is realistic.

Advantages of Overbuilding

Increased Efficiency
Overbuilding ensures that existing grid connection points are used more effectively, avoiding the costly development of new connection points. This is particularly important as solar and wind plants generate power at different times, allowing for complementary use of the grid.

Cost Savings
By sharing a single grid connection point, connection costs can be significantly reduced. For grid operators and project developers, this means lower investment costs as fewer new connection points need to be built.

Grid Quality and Stability
One of the biggest challenges of overbuilding is ensuring grid quality. This is where ONIS comes into play: the system provides continuous measurements and analysis of grid quality and impedance, ensuring that bottlenecks and disruptions are detected and resolved early.

Flexibility and Scalability
Overbuilding makes the grid not only more flexible but also more scalable. The expansion of renewable energy can be accelerated without compromising grid stability. ONIS allows real-time monitoring and adjustments of grid conditions to ensure smooth energy input.

Sustainable Solutions
Overbuilding helps accelerate the energy transition by making the integration of renewable energy into the grid more efficient. By effectively using the existing infrastructure, the expansion of solar and wind energy can be accelerated, contributing to a more sustainable energy supply.


Overbuilding grid connection points offers a tremendous opportunity to accelerate renewable energy expansion and make better use of existing grid resources. ONIS plays a crucial role by ensuring grid quality and enabling real-time monitoring. With ONIS, grid operators and project developers can not only save costs but also actively drive the energy transition.

Learn more about the benefits of overbuilding and how ONIS can support your project.

* Photo: pexels-tomfisk-9893729