Category: General

  • morEnergy makes green investors happy

    morEnergy makes green investors happy

    Revenue declined about 15 percent In a solar power plant in southwest Germany, transformerless central inverters are used for grid connection. In some central inverters, EMC filters failed. Measurements on site revealed a strong superimposition of the DC voltage with AC components in almost every second inverter used. The DC PV power was reduced by…

  • Webinar, experts talk to Power Quality and grid impedance at the 12.06.20

    Webinar, experts talk to Power Quality and grid impedance at the 12.06.20

    Visit us on Friday for our Webinar to a Live Power Quality and grid impedance measurements. We look forward to seeing you.

  • Smart Grid week in Hanoi, Vietnam

    Smart Grid week in Hanoi, Vietnam

    The energy revolution is Germany’s export hit and is already in full swing in Vietnam. Within the year 2019, the share of PV capacity has risen to just under 10 % of installed capacity. The energy revolution offers opportunities, but also new challenges. For example, progress in renewable energies and the simultaneous expansion of the…

  • morEnergy visits E-world 2020 in Essen

    morEnergy visits E-world 2020 in Essen

    With our entire team we visited the E-world in Essen. The E-world energy & water is the industry meeting point of the European energy industry and we took the opportunity to establish contacts, discover trends and introduce ourselves. Afterwards, we combined the trip with a team workshop in the Netherlands in order to bundle our…

  • Successful Power Quality Workshop with the technical University of Munich

    Successful Power Quality Workshop with the technical University of Munich

    With researchers from the TU München, TU Braunschweig and RWTH Aachen, as well as representatives of various municipal utility in Bavaria, we discussed about current challenges of the network operator and the plant operator in terms of network quality (Power Quality). This theme is very complex and the effect can not be always assigned to…

  • Power Quality Workshop with the Technical University of Munich

    Power Quality Workshop with the Technical University of Munich

    We are very happy to announce a special event together with the renowned Technical University in Munich. On January 29th from 10am we will host a Power Quality Workshop. We will demonstrate how our grid impedance measurement technology ONIS works and what advantages it has for industrial and distribution grids. For this purpose we will…

  • 28th Windenergietage in Potsdam

    28th Windenergietage in Potsdam

    The 28th Windenergietage in Potsdam were a complete success! We got to know interesting people, had valuable conversations and presented our measuring device (ONIS) and our services. The lecture of morEnergy CEO Dr. Thanh Trung Do about stability behaviour of wind turbines was very well received and encouraged constructive discussions. More than 2000 enthusiastic visitors…

  • Shark Pham Thanh Hung visits morEnergy GmbH

    Shark Pham Thanh Hung visits morEnergy GmbH

    Shark Tank is currently the most popular TV format in Vietnam. Start-Ups will pitch innovative ideas to convince the investors. This sounds familiar to you? Exactly! In Germany the TV format is called “Die Höhle der Löwen” but elsewhere it is known as Shark Tank. Shark Pham Thanh Hung, one of the sharks from Vietnam,…

  • morEnergy meets Engel in Austria

    morEnergy meets Engel in Austria

    An exciting visit to the Engel GmbH in Austria laid behind us. Engel GmbH is a traditional company with the most innovative technology and is leading in the manufacture of injection moulding machines. How can morEnergy support Engel to make their products even better? We are looking forward to the discussions!

  • morEnergy visits Goldwind in China

    morEnergy visits Goldwind in China

    Goldwind is one of the largest wind turbine manufacturer in the world. A total of nearly 50 GW of wind power is installed worldwide. The interaction between the electric circuit of the wind turbine and the power grid is very complex. Our measuring instruments analyse both sides and make the interaction visible. As a result…