2nd conference of the Grid Impedance Association again a success

The “Importance of supply networks in the next 25 years” was the topic at the 2nd conference of the interest group Netzimpedanz. In addition to experts from Germany, Switzerland and Spain, there was an audience from Austria, the Netherlands and France. All presentations and videos of the conference can be found on the association’s website (www.netzimpedanz.com) or on our YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9iz9AXsOSdEXr0X3IKCjRg). 

Once again, there were many innovative and insightful expert presentations on the hot topic. The high-caliber panel of experts was again able to attract many listeners with their interesting presentations and innovative research results. The Helmut Schmidt University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg around Prof. Detlef Schulz, who moderated the conference together with Stephan Hoffmann from morEnergy and opened the conference with his lecture, was also present.

Prof. Bumiller and Mr. Kitzig from the Hochschule Ruhr West spoke about Harmonic Power Flows and presented their research results.

Our CEO Dr.-Ing. Thanh Trung Do gave a short overview of grid instabilities caused by inverters in his presentation.

Mr. Gaßner from Bayernwerk AG reported on the impact of e-mobility on the power grid, which is a modern problem.

Modern power distribution and how to build smart grids with Astrol circuit breakers were vividly described by Mr. Geissmann from Astrol Electronics GmbH.

Dr. Angulo from the Spanish University of the Basque Country spoke about Characterization of the electrical grid as a propagation medium for PLC and Dr. Gonzáles-Ramos reported about the Effects of the EMC filters for power converters on PLC.

Afterwards, the presentations were discussed and open questions could be clarified in detail. In summary, the 2nd conference of the Interest Group Mains Impedance was also a complete success and the next event is already being planned. The interest group Netzimpedanz is an association of engineers from industry and research, with the goal to make power grids and plants better, more intelligent and more economical.

Further information can be found here: www.netzimpedanz.com