Kick-off meeting Grid Impedance Association

According to the motto: “Don’t give Corona a chance” we from morEnergy GmbH with the friendly support of Egston Power Electronics GmbH organized the first conference on the topic “Future of power quality” completely online and this with the aseptic guarantee Made in Germany, Hamburg, Wilhelmsburg!

Hard facts:

  • 6 speakers
  • 8 universities and FHs with professors and doctoral students
  • Network operator
  • Measuring instrument manufacturer
  • Engineering offices and industrial customers
  • a total of almost 100 registrations in advance
  • an average of 70 online participants until the end

Sovereign speakers, informative and discourse-friendly panelists give the event depth and entertainment at the same time.

Many thanks to all participants!

The characteristic values of current and voltage play an important role in the integration of decentralized generation systems such as photovoltaic and wind energy and are known by almost everyone so far.

An almost even more important parameter is the grid impedance, which characterizes the power grid in its physical components, but is not yet as popular. The reason for this is that this variable is difficult to measure during operation.

Determining the grid impedance with adequate accuracy and at a manageable cost is a major challenge and enables the development of new business areas in the energy industry. In the meantime, many renowned universities, research institutes and companies have discovered network impedance measurement technology as a key technology for power quality monitoring and assessment.

A network impedance interest group is in the process of being founded with researchers, network operators, manufacturers of measurement technology and industrial customers with sensitive products. Together we are committed to the topic of network quality and reliability of energy supply with a high share of renewable energy and electromobility.

The kick-off event for the foundation of the association was organized by morEnergy GmbH with the kind support of Eggston Power Electronics from Austria with more than 90 registrations.

Six technical papers with results of current research and device development and a subsequent panel discussion filled the program of the event. Theoretical depth, informative field reports and constructive discourse summarized the content of the event.

An event on this topic of this size is unique so far and confirms the importance of our topic, namely network impedance measurement.

The next event is already in the starting blocks and will probably take place in November 2020.

Check out the website: