Category: General

  • SuSy Summer Meeting 2023

    SuSy Summer Meeting 2023

    Shortly before the upcoming summer break, the entire SuSy consortium Siemens Energy MEYER WERFT GmbH & Co. KG Hamburg University of Technology Lloyd’s Register Schneider Electric Damen will be meeting again at our project partner DLR Institute for Networked Energy Systems in Oldenburg. A great opportunity to put our heads together and get in the…

  • PCIM Europe 2023

    PCIM Europe 2023

    We were there again this year and what can we say, the atmosphere was … electrifying! We exchanged ideas with industry leaders, demonstrated our #ONIS and #MoMe power analyzers to interested visitors and explored the latest power electronics delicacies. All in all, a great event that we look forward to attending again next year. Many…

  • Research Trip to Collogne and Aachen

    Research Trip to Collogne and Aachen

    We had the great opportunity to go on a presentation and research trip to the #Rhineland and visit the renowned universities TH Köln and RWTH Aachen University, as well as the Forum Heppendorf SME. During the visit to Cologne, we were able to present our ONIS measurement system in live operation, test the local research…

  • SuSy Projekt Meeting in Hamburg

    SuSy Projekt Meeting in Hamburg

    Das ereignisreiche Update-Meeting des SuSy Forschungsprojekts in Hamburg Mitte Februar war ein Erfolg. SuSy steht für Sustainable DC-Systems. Im Projekt geht’s um einen neuen Ansatz zur #Energieversorgung auf #Schiffen und wie eine effiziente Lösung für #gleichstrombasierte Verteilnetze aussehen kann.Vielen Dank an die Gastgeber Siemens Energy und Technische Universität Hamburg für die innovativen Gespräche, den tollen Austausch face-to-face und die Labor Besichtigung. Passend zum maritimen Projektthema rundete ein gemeinsames…

  • Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023!

    Christmas greetings from the Cap San Diego. After a successful team event and Christmas party, we say goodbye to 2022, a great year in which we experienced and achieved a lot as a team. We look forward to the opportunities and successes that 2023 will hold for morEnergy.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • 1st Live-Conferenz of Association of Grid Impedance

    1st Live-Conferenz of Association of Grid Impedance

    Around 40 interested parties from the entire DACH region gathered in Hamburg for the annual conference of the interest group Netzimpedanz. The special feature: for the first time since the association was founded in 2020, the event took place offline and enjoyed great popularity. Day 1 of the two-day event was all about science and…

  • Neis Conference 2022

    Neis Conference 2022

    Under the topic “Methods and Practical Approaches for Planning and Managing Power Systems”, the NEIS Conference 2022 for Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems took place at the Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg. We were also represented and presented our self-developed ONIS measurement system. With this system, currents and voltages,…

  • morEnergy Video Series kicks-off on YouTube

    morEnergy Video Series kicks-off on YouTube

    Anton explains in this part of our little video series how we track down dangerous resonances in the power grid; why they are so dangerous and what helps against them! (The answer is simple and starts with an O). Have a click, maybe you’ll learn something more! Feel free to leave us and our channel…

  • Windforce 22

    Windforce 22

    At Windforce 22 in Bremerhaven, the “Offshore Wind of Change” was noticeable. Finally, politics and the wind industry are speaking the same language and things are moving forward. An energetic event with exciting speakers and personalities.

  • Kick-off Quirinus Projekt

    Kick-off Quirinus Projekt

    On July 13, 2022, the kick-off for the joint project QUIRINUS Control, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), took place at the QUIRINUS Forum in Heppendorf! In the 4-year research project, a technical energy security monitoring is initiated to ensure the energy supply quality in the region (More information…