Category: General

  • Kick-off meeting Grid Impedance Association

    Kick-off meeting Grid Impedance Association

    According to the motto: “Don’t give Corona a chance” we from morEnergy GmbH with the friendly support of Egston Power Electronics GmbH organized the first conference on the topic “Future of power quality” completely online and this with the aseptic guarantee Made in Germany, Hamburg, Wilhelmsburg! Hard facts: Sovereign speakers, informative and discourse-friendly panelists give…

  • morEnergy invites: Conference of the Grid Impedance Association on October 29

    morEnergy invites: Conference of the Grid Impedance Association on October 29

    The energy industry is undergoing global change. On the one hand, rapid climate change is forcing us to reduce greenhouse gases, while on the other hand the reserves of fossil fuels are shrinking enormously due to the ever-increasing demand for energy. The more efficient use of fossil fuels through combined heat and power generation and…

  • Publication in the ETZ Technical Journal of VDE Verlag

    Publication in the ETZ Technical Journal of VDE Verlag

    Über die Veröffentlichung unseres Artikels in der renommierten Fachzeitschrift etz Elektrotechnik & Automation freuen wir uns sehr! Im Folgenden ist der komplette Text des Artikels zu sehen. Für den kompletten Artikel inklusive der Abbildungen und Grafiken besuchen Sie die Originalausgabe auf der Seite des VDE Verlags (Zum Magazin). Mit der Netzimpedanz Stromtankstellen ins Verteilnetz integrieren Der Anteil…

  • morEnergy explains: PLC – Powerline Communication

    morEnergy explains: PLC – Powerline Communication

    smart grid – the smart grid of the future  The combination of generation, storage and consumption forms the basis for intelligent power grids, so-called smart grids, which are networked by decentralized energy management systems that use information and communication technologies (ICT) for coordination. A smart grid can therefore not only transport energy, but also transmit…

  • NEIS Conference 2020

    NEIS Conference 2020

    Since 7 years the NEIS conference takes place regularly every year. It was established in 2013 to exchange, discuss and network on a common platform about science and innovations in energy supply and storage. Since 2016 also on international level. We have prepared a presentation on impedance measurements in electrical power grids and presented our…

  • Mini-series: “Stronger together” – The synchronous grid of Continental Europe

    Mini-series: “Stronger together” – The synchronous grid of Continental Europe

    The NordLink connects Norway and Germany with “green” energy from water and wind, which we learned about in the previous part of our mini-series. However, there are other alliances for a better supply of electrical energy in Europe and the world. The so-called synchronous networks are large-scale, spatially adjacent and electrically connected power grids that…

  • Mini-series: “The war of currents” – the beginnings of the alternating voltage

    Mini-series: “The war of currents” – the beginnings of the alternating voltage

    We are writing the year 1905. It is night and we wander in our minds through the illuminated streets of any western city. Passing industrial plants with steaming chimneys, where the machines rattle and the workers toil even at late hours. The industrial revolution is just over but the economy is still running at full…

  • Mini-Series: “Let there be light” – The beginnings of power grids

    Mini-Series: “Let there be light” – The beginnings of power grids

    The light switch. It is probably the most common thing in the majority of households in this (western) world. One click and there will be light in the whole room. But this was not always that way. It was only 141 years ago that the first electric light bulb was invented and brought light into…

  • morEnergy makes green investors happy

    morEnergy makes green investors happy

    Revenue declined about 15 percent In a solar power plant in southwest Germany, transformerless central inverters are used for grid connection. In some central inverters, EMC filters failed. Measurements on site revealed a strong superimposition of the DC voltage with AC components in almost every second inverter used. The DC PV power was reduced by…

  • Webinar, experts talk to Power Quality and grid impedance at the 12.06.20

    Webinar, experts talk to Power Quality and grid impedance at the 12.06.20

    Visit us on Friday for our Webinar to a Live Power Quality and grid impedance measurements. We look forward to seeing you.